Thursday, June 7, 2012

Awarded by Britt

I was awarded by Britt, and here are my answers to the ten questions and who I am giving this award to! Thanks for awarding me!

Rules: 1. Post award and rules on your blog.
           2. Answer all 10 questions that are given to you.
           3. Award 3 other bloggers.
           4. Tell them in a comment on their blog that you have awarded them.

Here are the 10 questions:

1. What is your favorite color? I have so many... orange, green, brown, and pink
2. If you had to be stranded between the desert or the frozen artic, which would it be? Stranded in the desert
3. Whats your favorite animal? Turtles!
4. What do you like to do when it's raining? On the computer or reading
5. If you could star in any movie, what movie would it be? I have no idea.... I like drama movies though...
6. If you could have anyone in the whole world to come to your birthday party, who would it be?  No one I guess.. :)
7. What creature are you most afraid of? Bees, I don't like it when they sting me...
8. If you could have any animal in the whole wide world to be your pet, what would it be?  a cheetah maybe

9. What's your favorite hobby? Singing and making jewelry
10. What are you most looking forward to this year?  My youth retreat in July

Here are the bloggers that I am awarding:
1. Grace
3. MyMusicFirefly
4. Abby