Saturday, June 9, 2012

Words in Magizines + Poems

    Do you like to write? I assume that whoever reading this has a blog and enjoys writing, but some people only enjoy writing specific stuff that they are interested in or like doing.  
    I like to write poems and songs.  Most of the time, the songs that I create I like and I actually remember.  Peoms are fun because you don't have to writing a long story to make them sound creative. Once in my writing class, we were each given lots of words that had been cut out from a magizine.  Our assignment was to make a poem (adding in a small words like a, is, the, are, etc. when necessary) with the words that we had.  I loved this project, so I started cutting words out of magizines that I had at home.  I made a huge collection, and when I'm bored, I love cutting words out of magizines.  I have all those words, but I still haven't make a peom out of them...


  1. I remember that assignment! I still have it somewhere. Colleen and I's poem made no sense whatsoever. :P

  2. Hahaha I actually liked the way mine turned out... :D
